Government Affairs
Interactions with governmental elected bodies and staff can often be a confusing process, at best. Dealing with the intracacies of government is one of the things our clients often tell us is an exercise in frustration.
It doesn't have to be that way. TDC has vast experience dealing with government officials at the local, state and federal levels. We can take much of the stress out of the situation, making it much more straight-forward for you. We have the experience and contacts to represent your company or interests from everthing from presentations to city councils to lobbying/advocacy for your project in the state capitol.
TDC principals Janet Mathis and Craig Coil personally have professional experience at both the consitutional office and agency levels in state government and have worked with and cultivated many contacts across the state at all levels of government. They have written and negotiated legislation; interpreted, written and administered administrative rules; worked through transportation studies; successfully achieved environmental permitting; and dealt in foreign trade matters.
Let us help you with what to us is second nature - government affairs.